Metajob!, a digital work matching service. It is developing a job matching platform for spot work and other services in an effort to provide equal work opportunities to all people. How did the idea come about?
Career Forth is a career exploration tool that provides individuals with possible career change options leveraging big data and market trends. How the idea for Career Forth came about.
Learning how language plays a key role in managing projects and generating successful business, and creating spaces, frameworks, and processes that consider that.
Carbon Mileage, a venture working to improve decarbonization in the airline industry, visited Palo Alto for a two-day workshop to refine their business and solutions.
Childcare matching service Inna Circle helps moms in the Philippines balance focusing on their careers and finding quality childcare.
Audio content can easily lose its intended effect when narrated by someone other than the other. VOOX aims to change that.
Learn how sleep training service and platform, Lullaby, was inspired by the founder’s experiences with childbirth, cultural differences, and an unfortunate accident.
GORIL teaches native Japanese speakers proper pronunciation and articulation of the English language through visualization, feedback, and gamification.
Lullaby’s founder and doctor share stories and challenges of balancing childcare, work, and homelife, and offer several tips and solutions for common problems that parents face.
Newborn sleep training service, Lullaby, collaborates with Pigeon Corporation to add new consultation services that will support parents even more.