Moon’s Tokyo-based educational program, Spark, provides the foundation for human-centered, innovative business design and helps you prototype your business idea.

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Join a mixed cohort of 50 innovators from various companies and startups! Moon experts will help you build a tangible representation of your innovative business idea in the form of a real working website, while you learn about business creation along the way. 

Next program: May 14 to May 20, 2025. Apply Now!

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What will I gain?

By the end of the Spark program, participants will have: 

  • A clarified business/product concept that has been validated with real customers.
  • A detailed business plan with initial go-to-market strategy.
  • A compelling pitch deck.
  • A real, live landing page to show the idea to the world.
  • Membership in a dynamic global community of founders and innovators.

Who can apply to Spark?

Spark is open to any person, team or organization looking to learn about how to take a problem and turn it into a tangible idea that can be shared with potential customers.  

When is the next Spark cohort?

Our next Spark will run in May 2025. 


For corporations: 

  • ¥500,000 per participant.
  • Group discount of 20% per participant:
    ¥500,000 → ¥400,000 for teams of 2-3 members.

For startup founders and teams:

  • Limited seats in the program are provided free of charge for external startup founders or teams (maximum 3 members per team) who meet Moon's criteria.

General inquiries

Would you like to learn more about our Spark program or speak with someone directly at Moon? 

Email us at:

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