Studio Stories

Moon’s FY23 Goals & Priorities


The last couple of years have been challenging for many of us, with Moon being no exception. We have grown our talent significantly to help support all of our projects and ventures, but many of us have still not met each other in person! With the ability to travel again, we can go back to working collaboratively with in-person teams and start making an even bigger impact on all our ventures. Many signs point to an optimistic change coming in this fiscal year — a change that we are all looking forward to.


Our Guiding Light

To help everyone better align ourselves to our Purpose, Mission, and Values, we have introduced what we’re calling “The Pyramid of Clarity.” This framework was created to do exactly as its name indicates — give us all clarity on what our goals and priorities are for FY23 — and to remind ourselves exactly WHY we’re doing what we’re doing.

At the top of the pyramid lies our Purpose, Mission & Values — the same Purpose, Mission, & Values that Moon created during our inception in August 2018. These will always be Moon’s guiding light:

Guiding Light

Our FY23 Goals and Objectives

As we reflect on Moon over the last few years, there are three key questions we should always be asking ourselves:

Question 1
Are we doing everything we can to push our ventures forward?

Question 2
Are we constantly innovating and launching bold experiments?

Question 3
Are we telling stories of both our successes and our challenges to maximize learning?

If we can continuously answer “yes” to these questions, we know we’re on the right track. Thus, answering these questions are Moon’s top-line goals (and what success looks like) for FY23:

Goal 1: Progressing
Ventures are making progress by showing increased traction.

Goal 2: Innovating 
Ventures are constantly innovating to push their venture forward.

Goal 3: Storytelling
Ventures are telling more stories to increase engagement within Mitsui.

For each of these goals, we created a metric to help us track our progress throughout the fiscal year:

Metric 1: Progressing
100% of Moon’s ventures achieve their North Star Metrics (NSM).

Metric 2: Innovating
100% of Moon’s ventures conduct one bold and innovative experiment.

Metric 3: Storytelling
Moon shares at least 50 stories of our ventures to Mitsui and beyond.

This fills out the next layer of the Pyramid of Clarity:

Pyramid of Clarity

Our FY23 Key Priorities

To help us achieve success in FY23, we have identified six Key Priorities for Moon:

Priority 1
Focus to Projects

Leverage Moon’s skills and experience to increase the opportunity for our EIRs and ventures.

This priority really focuses on Moon’s effort to incubate ventures in its earliest stages. It ensures that we continue to work closely with EIRs to help them grow and push their venture forward to reach an initial MVP that’s launched into the market.

Priority 2
Expand Engagement Within Mitsui

Create direct impact on Mitsui BUs and subsidiaries by bringing dedicated focus to Org Ventures.

The majority of new projects starting in this fiscal year will be Organizational Ventures — new businesses that we create alongside Mitsui BUs and subsidiaries. With that in mind, this year will involve a lot of relationship-building with BUs directly to figure out the right projects to work on together.

Priority 3
Explore the Next Frontier

Define and extend capabilities of Moon Division so that there is a streamlined launchpad to create NewCos.

With four ventures currently in Moon Division and one venture that’s a newly formed NewCo, one of our priorities this year will be helping define how to better support each of these ventures at this later stage and paving the way for the next set of ventures.

Priority 4
Build a Culture of Learning

Leverage Moon’s knowledge to improve the quality of ideas and enable faster starts for our ventures.

Last fiscal year, we prototyped a version of Moon Academy and Space Camp aimed to help inform and educate Mitsui employees around creativity and entrepreneurship and better onboard them into Moon. This year, our priority is to take both of these programs to the next level.

Priority 5
Begin to Expand Our Influence

Explore new areas where we can build inspiring content and networks for Moon, Mitsui, and beyond.

This fiscal year, we want more Mitsui employees worldwide to know and be inspired by Moon. We also want to start finding ways to inspire people outside of Mitsui. This priority will focus on launching a few experiments to help pave the way for Moon’s future.

Priority 6
Empower Our Teams

Ensure our people feel supported in an environment that’s energizing and inspiring.

As our work environment continues to change, we need to continue to ensure that everyone at Moon feels supported and energized by the organization. This priority will ensure that we look after Moon’s people and culture and do our best to make it thrive.  

The Full Pyramid

So, how does this all come together? With Moon’s Purpose, Mission, and Values at the top of the pyramid, and Moon’s FY23 Goals and Priorities filling out the next layer, the final base of the pyramid is made up of each department’s team goals and each person’s individual goals.

A big reason for creating the “Pyramid of Clarity” is so that each person who works at Moon can see how their own personal goals ladder up to Moon’s FY23 Goals and Priorities, and to the guiding direction of the company.

Full pyramid

Bringing It All Together

We have a lot of ambitions for FY23 and after just two months in, we’re feeling good about what needs to be done for us to achieve success. This doesn’t mean it’ll be easy! Borders aren’t completely open yet and we still have a number of challenges to work through to make the organization thrive. That being said, we remain hopeful and optimistic that we will continue to help “light the way for all of our creative potential.”

If you have any questions or thoughts around our plans for FY23, or if you would like to find a way to work together, please feel free to reach out to us at

Mike Peng 
Chief Creative Officer

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